President’s Message

Lane Glenn, outside on the NECC Haverhill CampusIn her amazing book about human organizations, quantum physics, and chaos theory, Leadership and the New Science, Margaret Wheatley suggests, “As leaders, we play a crucial role in selecting the melody, setting the tempo, establishing the key, and inviting the players. But that is all we can do. The music comes from something we cannot direct, from a unified whole created among the players – a relational holism that transcends separateness. In the end, when it works, we sit back, amazed and grateful.”

This vision of leadership as an orchestra in which everyone contributes, and creates a music that is greater than the accomplishments of the individual players is compelling—and necessary. No one person in any orchestra—or any college—possesses all of the knowledge, all of the skills, and all of the stamina needed to make the symphony or the students successful.

It takes everyone.

Northern Essex Community College is committed to supporting leadership at every level, so we created the NECC Leadership Academy to provide the opportunity for any employee at the college to expand their leadership skills. Participants in the Academy study and reflect on the nature of leadership, explore their individual strengths, team development, and college organizational development.

In the end, when it works (and it does), we sit back, amazed and grateful for the many wonderful leaders around us.”

–Dr. Lane Glenn, President