New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation Information

What is Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)?

New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation (NHVR) is a division of the Department of Education that helps persons with disabilities help themselves to get a job, keep the job, and develop a lifetime career. NHVR has seven regional offices throughout the state designed to assist persons who have physical, mental, emotional, and learning disabilities.

Who is Eligible for Services?

An individual is eligible if they have a disability and their disability creates substantial problems in preparing for a job, getting a job, or keeping a job, and require VR services to become employed or to stay employed.

How to Get Started?

An individual should call their local VR office, tell them they have a disability and need help getting a job. NHVR will provide some initial information about VR and provide an appointment date.

What Services are Available?

An individual may not need not all services. Some services provided are:

  • Development of an Employment Plan
  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Vocational Counseling
  • Independent Living Services
  • Special Services – may include; Physical and Mental Restoration, Transition from School to Work, and Assistive Technology
  • Supported Employment
  • Support Services
  • Interpreter Services
  • Transportation – as needed during the VR program for completion of the employment plan.

Is there a Charge for VR Services?

No. However, customers may be required to financially participate in certain services in their Rehabilitation Program. Customers are also required to take advantage of any insurance or other programs for which they may be eligible. For more information refer to: New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation