Integrated Student Experience

Design and deliver an integrated, structured, and inclusive student experience across campuses that maximizes student success.

Colleges flourish when the student experience empowers students to take ownership of their success. Every stop on the student pathway—from recruitment and early college, to financial aid and support services, to academic achievements, retention, and completion—is guided and seamlessly connected through personal relationships with faculty and staff, buttressed by an efficient infrastructure that links organization, technology, facilities, and services across campuses. Ensuring access for students and preparing them to meet their educational goals, enter the world of work, and be informed, active citizens in our global society is paramount.

We will achieve our vision for Integrated Student Experience by:

  • Increasing the student sense of belonging and participation in the campus community
  • Increasing academic structure for students
  • Re-engineering our college structures and processes to be coherently linked and more easily navigable by students

NECC students in various settings: In the computer lab working together, in the Sport and Fitness center playing pool, and at the Student Fair creating art work.