First Year Seminar

The First Year Seminar (FYS) provides students with an opportunity to become engaged members of Northern Essex Community College. This academically rigorous theme based course challenges students to critically examine important aspects of college student life, such as engaging in scholarly dialogue; learning developing and practicing their academic literacy skills; becoming proactive learners who practice self-advocacy and value a diverse and inclusive environment. In addition, this course will also challenge students to reflect upon multiple aspects of their identity and understand how as an individual they can make a positive impact both on campus and within the larger global society. Furthermore, students will develop important relationships with fellow students, peer leaders, faculty, and administrators.

The Five Goals for the FYS Course

  1. Strengths & Self Advocacy

  2. Provide students with the opportunity to discover and develop their learning styles and strengths, as well as their academic and career interests and goals.

  3. Critical Thinking

  4. Provide students with reading and writing assignments that will require students to use critical thinking and problem solving skills.

  5. Goal Setting & Problem Solving

  6. Introduce students to various college resources that will help them create and implement academic and career goals: introduce students to self-management skills aimed at

  7. Communication

  8. Provide students with learning opportunities and assignments that will help students strengthen their writing, listening, reading and oral presentation skills.

  9. Study Skills

  10. Provide students with tools and strategies that will help them be emotionally, physically and academically prepared for the various examinations they will encounter in college.


For more information or to ask a question, please contact:

Eldiane Elmeus
Assistant Professor, Academic Preparation Coordinator, Freshman Year Seminar
45 Franklin Street L255-1
Lawrence, MA 01840