Goal One: Urban Campus Development


Lawrence Urban Construction Photos

El-Hefni Construction Progress Aug 2013
The building being worked on. The siding and windows are mostly installed
Registry Building Demolition – The Beginning!
The walls of the Registry building starting to be demolished.
Registry Building – Look at it Fall!
As two big construction vehicles tearing down the backside of the building, dust rises from the skeletal remains of the building.
Former location of the Registry Building
The cleared, cleaned and flattened dirt lot where the registry Building once stood.

MassWorks 2013 – 2014 Grant

School Rear Entrance Before School Rear Entrance After
What the School Rear Entrance looks like before with; old and broken sidewalk, garbage dumped all over, dirty or graffiti painted building sides, and a green covered chain link fence. What the School Rear Entrance would look like after, depicting a new stylish fence, new brick walkways, clean painted or restored building sides, trees and plants, street lamp posts, and tables with umbrellas and chairs giving it a clean, inviting look to it.
Essex Street Plaza Before Essex Street Plaza After
What the Essex Street Plaza looks like before with a chain link fence, over grown weeds, old and broken sidewalk, and dirty or graffiti painted building sides. What the Essex Street Plaza would look like after, depicting the fence removed, a new brick ground cover, clean painted or restored building sides, trees and plants, and benches and tables with umbrellas and chairs giving it a clean, inviting look to it.
Amesbury Street Alley Before Amesbury Street Alley After
What the Amesbury Street Alley looks like before with; old and broken sidewalk, garbage dumpsters, weeds, and dirty or oddly painted building sides. What the Amesbury Street Alley would look like after, depicting a new sidewalk, clean painted or restored building sides and trees and plants along the walkway, giving it a clean, inviting look to it.