New Faculty Orientation Facilitator

Patricia Portanova, Facilitator for New Faculty Orientation

Professor, English Department

Photo of Patricia PortanovaTrish supports the Center of Professional Development by facilitating New Faculty Orientation.  She serves as a resource to faculty, introducing them to college procedures and support services; program coordination; syllabus, assignment, and assessment design, outcome mapping, and other pedagogical strategies. Trish is a Professor of English at NECC where she teaches writing and communications. She has fifteen years of college-level teaching experience and continues to produce scholarship in the field of rhetoric and composition. She has served as Coordinator of the  Liberal Arts: Writing Option, Coordinator of the Liberal Arts Program, Faculty Leader of the Liberal Arts Center, on The Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Executive Committees, as well as many other roles at the college. Trish also serves as facilitator of a bi-weekly Faculty Support Group. She is grateful for the opportunity to work with, and support, fellow faculty.