Reimbursement Process

If you submitted your application for Professional Development Funding and received monies toward your activity/purchase, there are new reimbursement guidelines in place through the NECC Accounts Payable office that need to be followed.

It is imperative that, as the recipient of a funded application, you complete the appropriate paperwork. If you find you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Accounts Payable for assistance.

NOTE: If your paperwork is not completed properly, we may need to return it to you for further clarification. Please follow these guidelines to insure swift reimbursement.

Direct Deposit/EFT Information

  • It is now required that any NECC employee be reimbursed for expenses via direct deposit. Direct deposit reimbursement through Accounts Payable for expenses is separate than that of your Payroll direct deposit.
  • Complete the EFT Direct Deposit form (PDF). This only needs to be done once to get you set up in the system to receive reimbursements from NECC.
  • Remember to sign the form AND attach a voided check.
  • If you are not sure if you have already supplied an EFT Direct Deposit form, please contact Accounts Payable and they can inform you of your status.
    If your travel is overnight, go to the Accounts Payable webpage to review the Travel Policy and remember the Travel Authorization form must be completed in advance.
  2. Print it, sign on the employee’s signature line and attach a copy of event materials (i.e. brochure, web page that indicates conference information, etc.).  You can then provide all materials to the Center for Professional Development in C206 for approval.
  3. DO NOT submit your paperwork to the Accounts Payable Office. Our office will need to sign the authorized signature line and we will send it on to the Accounts Payable Office. Submit all of your pertinent paperwork to our office for processing.

      Individuals receiving award letters will need to submit their receipts to our office (C-206) or via email along with the proper paperwork for reimbursement. NOTE: Per the state’s travel policy, receipts must be received within four (4) weeks of your activity or we will not be able to guarantee funding.