Teaching & Learning Academy

The Teaching and Learning Academy Spring 2022

The Teaching and Learning Academy is an opportunity for full-time and part-time faculty to participate in a community of educators dedicated to improving their classroom practices.  It is offered by the Center for Professional Development. The Academy will be led by Adjunct Faculty Fellow, Peter Maskaluk and Chemistry Faculty, Pamela Hallock.  

The commitment includes attending ​four two-hour dinner meetings where we will focus on improving our craft of teaching through supportive, peer-based conversations. Also, each participant will partner with a fellow faculty member, visit each other’s classrooms and provide feedback and encouragement. Participants will receive a copy of Parker Palmer’s book:  Courage to Teach.  We will read sections of this book and share highlights and inspiration with each other at the meetings. We will also encourage all participants to choose one aspect of their teaching they hope to improve; for example, designing engaging assignments, increasing class participation, or creating a culture of inclusion in the classroom.  Each faculty member who completes the Teaching and Learning Academy will receive a stipend.

The overall purpose of this academy is to: 

  • Create a sense of belonging and connection among faculty
  • Reflect on and develop our own pedagogy
  • Reconnect to our collective passion for teaching 

The spring 2022 sessions will be held by zoom.